Bike to School Day is Back!

In March of 2020, we were in the early stages of planning our annual Bike to School Day events when the world shut down “for a couple of weeks.” While we encouraged independent or “virtual” active transportation events over the past couple of years, we longed for our group walk, roll, or rides. (Shout out to the Lit Limo for letting us tag along last year!) Even though we were back in-person this past fall, we were all still learning how to be back, and advised not to encourage congregating on RPS campuses. With the vast majority of RPS students eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, we’re excited to get events rolling across the city!

Students and caregivers riding bikes to Linwood Holton Elementary School on Bike to School Day 2019.

May 4, 2022, we’ll be hosting events at all of our schools with Richmond City Safe Routes to School programming, and supporting events at any schools who plan to celebrate! Events will vary from school to school, with some organizing group walk, roll, and rides from a remote location, to having our RVA SRTS Street Team on hand to distribute some very cool bike/ped friendly SWAG to students who participate by arriving by active transportation. Keep an eye on communications from your school, or the RVA SRTS social media accounts, for details. If you’d like to volunteer, please email us at

Early in the pandemic, especially during the first few months of the lockdown, the bike industry experienced a boom unlike any other. To preserve mental and physical health, so many took to the streets during such an unstable time. Then people kept riding! We’re hopeful that this will be our most exciting Bike to School Day yet. It doesn’t hurt that it also falls on Star Wars Day this year. So, may the fourth be with you, we’re excited to be back in the saddle!