Ways to Give
Your Support Makes Healthy Possible!
With your gifts of time, money, and resources, we can promote the health and wellness of children in the Richmond community together. Your support will help us ensure that today’s kids create healthy habits that they’ll use for a lifetime!
Ways your gift can impact children:
$550 - Covers the cost of nutrition lesson supplies for Game On, Girl! for 10 weeks
$150 - Provides funds to cover cost of bike helmets for 5 participants
$50 - Supports a school garden with seedlings for hands on learning
$20 monthly gift - Supplies new recess equipment promoting active play

20 hours - Maintain a school garden for a season to support a vibrant learning and growing space
8 hours - Serve as a one-day Game On, Girl! Summer Summit Volunteer
3 hours - Transplant veggie seedlings in our greenhouse that will be shared with community and school gardens, mobile food pantries, and families

Ways You Can Support Fit4Kids Financially:
Stock Gift
Donating stocks is an easy way for you to make a donation to Fit4Kids. Click below for instructions or contact Leigh Busby below on how you can transfer stock from your brokerage or investment account to Greater Richmond Fit4Kids.
Recurring Gift
By becoming a monthly or recurring funder, you can play an integral role in creating a healthier community. Make a recurring gift using the “Donate” button.
Planned Gift
Making a planned gift to Fit4Kids can help create sustainability in health and wellness offerings to local children. For more details please contact our Development Director at
Leigh Busby.
NAP Tax Credits
Fit4Kids receives Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) credits through the Virginia Department of Education allowing donors making an annual gift of $500+ to receive up to 65% of the value of their gift in state tax credits in addition to their federal deduction. If you are interested in learning about the NAP program, contact Leigh Busby below.
Gift By Check
Gifts by mail can be sent to:
Greater Richmond Fit4Kids
PO Box 6510
Richmond, VA 23230
In-Kind Gift
Gifts in-kind provide Fit4Kids with needed active lessons equipment and learning resources to support or work with students. Contact Leigh Busby for a list of current needs or if you’d like to make an in-kind donation. In-kind donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.
Matching Gifts
Employer matching gifts are a great way to increase the impact of your gift of cash or stock. If your employer has a matching gift program, complete the form online, or if applicable, fill out a paper copy and email to Leigh Busby
Online Form
Thanks To Fit4Kids’ Foundation And Corporate Supporters!