Engaging Teachers
Teachers are amazing role models. Elementary school teachers spend hours every weekday with their students. When a teacher embraces wellness strategies such as active lessons or promoting healthy hydration in the classroom, it can have a tremendous impact on the students in their classroom. But think of the impact they make year after year, reaching hundreds of children!
Fit4Kids Active Lessons
Hundreds of Fit4Kids active SOL-based lessons are available for any interested educator FREE. We offer lessons in math, language arts, science, social studies and MORE.
Active Lessons

Active Classrooms Certification
Any elementary school teacher in the Richmond region is eligible to earn a Fit4Kids Active Classroom Certification. Our at-your-own pace online course trains teachers to utilize kinesthetic strategies and health promotion messaging in their classroom, creating an active, healthy classroom environment.
In this FREE course, teachers learn, practice, and demonstrate strategies on using movement in their classroom. And they walk away with hundreds of lesson ideas and resources!
This course is pre-approved for 15 recertification points in Henrico and Chesterfield and we can support your recertification points in other jurisdictions.
Register Now

Teacher Training
Looking for a fun, interactive Professional Development (PD) opportunity for your team? Fit4Kids offers FREE engaging PDs at any Title I School in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Hopewell, Petersburg, and Prince George. Topics include: movement in the classroom, making the most of recess, using a school garden as an outdoor classroom, and more! We can even customize a training to meet your school’s needs.
Inquire About a Training