Supporting Schools
Supporting Schools
Creating a school-wide culture of health allows students to learn daily through observation and exposure. Because students spend most of their time at schools, they are a key environment to promote physical activity and healthy eating.

Safe Routes to School
In partnership with Richmond Public Schools, Fit4Kids Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program encourages students to walk and bike safely to school. Fresh air and exercise get the mind ready to learn! Our SRTS program works to promote safety and accessibility through crossing guards, infrastructure improvements, equipment such as bike racks and more.
Our SRTS Coordinator works with 9 Richmond elementary schools with direct programming. In just three years, we have grown the RPS Crossing Guard program from 8 to more than 100 guards districtwide!
Faculty and families agree that the presence of the trained, uniformed crossing guards has added structure to the arrival and dismissal processes, making it safer.
“We are so lucky to have crossing guards at our school! They help all of our students who are walking and biking to school arrive and depart safely!”

Making the Most of Recess
Fit4Kids partners with schools to ensure fun and meaningful play opportunities during recess promoting physical activity, social engagement, and peer connection. Through Making the Most of Recess, our team works with elementary schools to improve the quality and consistency of recess. Working together, we aim to increase the physical activity levels of students on the playground, which will spark greater learning and success in the classroom. By providing technical assistance to principals, training teachers, educating policy makers, and donating recess equipment, we hope to make recess an essential part of every student’s school day–reading, writing, arithmetic, and RECESS!
"We have really enjoyed the recess equipment! The kids have much more fun at recess and conflict between classmates is down since the kids have productive and fun activities keeping them busy!"

Wellness Integration
Fit4Kids’ Wellness Integration is one of our “Kids Programs,” but also supports schools! In addition to empowering classroom teachers to incorporate movement in the classroom, our Wellness Integrators infuse partner elementary schools with a culture of health and wellness. We work schoolwide to start running and fitness clubs, partner with PTAs to promote wellness at their events, and more! Examples of past successes include fundraising for a new playground at Pleasants Lane Elementary in Petersburg and drafting a new curriculum to support PE teachers in one of our partner school divisions.