Growing Healthy Kids

Fit4Kids is excited to announce our 2024-2027 strategic plan and Growing Healthy Kids campaign
Growing Healthy Kids aims to raise $1.2 million to support ambitious goals in program expansion, enhancing community collaboration and impact, and bolstering organizational health.
Key Growing Healthy Kids Goals...

- Add new Fit4Kids programs to reach early childhood through college-aged youth, addressing the full spectrum of developmental stages
- Quadruple the Learning Garden program so EVERY Title I school in Fit4Kids’ service area has access to school garden programming promoting hands-on nutrition education and fostering a deeper connection with food
- Place a crossing guard at every busy corner near a Richmond Public School so children can safely walk, scooter, or bike to school
- Amplify community voices in health and wellness advocacy and expand access to free healthy meals and hydration in schools, vital for students overall health; academic performance, attendance, and school readiness; and reduced stigma and bias
To learn more and get involved, email Mary Dunne Stewart, CEO, at Mary (at) grfit4kids (dot) org.
Want to volunteer to support this work? Check out opportunities HERE.

To learn more and get involved, email Mary Dunne Stewart, CEO, at Mary (at) grfit4kids (dot) org.
Want to volunteer to support this work? Check out opportunities HERE.
Thank you to our Growing Healthy Kids Campaign Committee!
Tom Byrd (Chair), Beth Bailey, Nellie Bradley, Liz Blue, Candace Blydenburgh, Theresa Caldwell, Kim Love Lindsey, Jennie Reynolds, Brian Riopelle, Vineeta Shah, Jamal Slappy, Niki Spencer, Rachel Wang, Samantha Williams